
About Our Team

Amy Jasper

As Founder and Principal Consultant of MyCollegeFit, my passion is guiding students on their academic journey. I strive to bring a calm objective voice to the often stressful college admissions process, helping students discover their strengths and engage in their personal and academic interests.  As an objective third party, I serve as a bridge between parent and teen.

My work experience comes from both sides of the admissions process and spans over two decades. I have first hand knowledge of numerous colleges and universities often visiting over 25 campuses a year.  As the mother of two college graduates who have successfully launched, one of whom was a D-I athlete, I enjoy bringing all facets of my professional and personal experiences to MyCollegeFit. 

 Read more about Amy...

Kimberly O'Donnell

Kimberly O'Donnell is an Associate Consultant located in the greater Charlottesville area, offering My College Fit college planning services to students locally and remotely. As former admissions colleagues and long-time friends, Kim  and Amy  share the same dedication to serving the uniqueness of each student with personalized college planning, and a belief that the process of applying to college is as valuable as the outcome.

Read more about Kim...

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